Sauerkraut preparation


The lactic acid fermentation of the cabbage not only helps to produce distinctive food products but also helps in preserving the vegetables. The fermentation could be achieved by yeast, bacteria, moulds, and combination of these organisms. The growth of lactic acid bacteria durinh the fermentation results in the restriction of growth of undesirable microorganisms and resulting spoilage. Sauerkraut or sour cabbage is prepared by the avtivities of Lactobacillus bruvis, L. plantarum and other organisms in the presence of 2.2-2.8 salt. Salt plays 3 important role in the fermentation:

1. Inhibition of the growth of spoilage organisms.

2. Extraction of moisture from the shredded cabbage.

3. Helps to maintain the crispy texture of the cabbage by withdrawing the water. Thus inhibiting endogenous peptinylatic enzymes which cause the product to soften.

Requirements: cabbage , salt, plate, knife, containers etc.


 1. Trim out the defective outer layerd of the cabbage leaves.

2. Shred the cabbage into small pieces.

3. Weigh the cabbage and add 2.8% NaCl

4. Mix the shredded cabbage and add the salt. Fill them in a container with the cheese cloth or a paper.

5. Incubate the container at the room temperature for 28 days as ut gets fermented.

6. Observe the chemical and microbial changes periodically during fermentation.

7. Record the odour, color, taste, texture, pH and acidity by performing titration using a standard alkali and exoressed interms of lactic acid.

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